we observed a need and set about solving it
In our position we saw the difficulty people were having with data conversations. Aligned with our capabilities, the Data Value Map was our solution.

Dr. Tadhg Nagle
Dr. Tadhg Nagle is an associate faculty member and the co-Director of the MSc in Data Business at the Irish Management Institute (IMI). Tadhg also is also a Lecturer (Business Information Systems) at Cork University Business School (CUBS), University College Cork (UCC). He has developed a brand of applied research (Practitioner Design Science Research) that arms practitioners with a rigorous problem solving methodology. With a background in Management Information Systems, Tadhg has taken up roles in Western Union (Fexco), the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), and the Cairnes School of Business and Economics (NUIG).
Prof. David Sammon
David is a Professor (Business Information Systems) at Cork University Business School (CUBS), University College Cork (UCC), Ireland. David’s applied research interests focus on relational data modelling, master data design, and designing data-driven organisational routines. He is co-Founder of the VIVID Research Centre and is also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Decision Systems.